Monday, February 20, 2012

entertained: Yelle

J'avoir l'obsession de Yelle! So obsessed with Ce Jeu, or "This Game"  :)

catchy, eh? 

xoxo Lea

Sunday, February 12, 2012

loved: settling in and the fam

So we have been in Virginia for a little over six months. It has been quite a change form NYC. I miss the big apple, but I wouldn't change it. Life a little further South is pretty good.

I got to meet my sweet little Selah recently as well. That little girl is just so smiley and happy. I think she has her Mother's temperament. She has this adorable thing she does, she tilts her head sideways when she is looking at you...                       
I gotta say, it was love at first sight. Je t'adore. 
Since we are on the topic of the little loves of my life... look how big my Ethan has gotten! He is all boy, but he has such a sensitive caring heart. He loves his Mama and Daddy and his sister and the new Baby in the way! Love you, E-man.
And then there is Gabi, well this little little one... well she is a girl after my own heart. She is a loud crazy redhead, who loves cheetos and cats, sparkly things and "whip gloss". She is my love.

I guess I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the "other" children... two of my sisters have blessed our family with these these awesome little humans, but some of us have little ones of the four legged variety. Not quite the same, but we love these little monsters. 

There are some other kids who are pretty special to us too... 
I guess I just felt like spreading the love today. My mom once said, when my sisters and I were growing up and fighting like sister often do, that we should be nicer to each other, because when we grow up we will be each others best friends. Well, Mom, you were right....  ;) 

When I take the time to think about all the ways my life is blessed, all I can think is 
God is good 
Love is a BIG Deal.  

xoxo, Lea Hart
Happy Valentine's Day