we've been cooking a lot around here these days. for a number of reasons. Its healthy, you have control over all of the ingredients, and its cheap! now, I'm no chef but I like to experiment and I have a willing taste tester which means I've been able to come up with some pretty interesting and suuuper tasty combinations.
On the menu tonight... SPICY EGGS. c'mon who doesn't like breakfast for supper? It is my favorite and this dish is sooooooooooo friggin easy. one pan and like almost no clean up and done in FIVE minutes.
Here is what you will need:
-2 eggs per person ( one egg will do for a light dinner or a quick breakfast but for a proper supper go with 2)
-2 pieces of multigrain bread (the nutty-er and grainy-er the better)
-hot sauce; either a good salsa verde like this one from the
Santa Ana Deli or vietnamese chili garlic sauce
-olive oil
-mixed greens
-your favorite vinaigrette
1.put the bread in the toaster, toast it medium to dark 2. put a tablespoon of olive oil in a non stick frying pan, let it heat up for a minute
3. crack eggs right into the heated up pan and fry. once the eggs begin to set, add a little salt and pepper
4. after a minute flip the eggs over (careful not to break the yolks) and salt and pepper - also be careful not to over cook, the eggs must be runny!!! it will be faster than you think :)
5. spread a little bit of mayo on each piece of toast, i only do a little because i want to be as healthy as possible but i think we all know the mo' mayo the better...
6. place eggs on toast and add a dollop of either hot sauce.
I like a simple mixed green salad with vinaigrette with this to round out the meal. and ENJOY!!!
xo Lea Hart